Liberal Dreams

by Cihan Serdaroğlu

Product Description:

New Edition

"Poetry is something like life itself with all those intense emotions." - Cihan Serdaroğlu

Do you feel complex emotions? Do you feel lonely? Do you feel enthusiastic? Do you feel like there is nowhere, you can call home? Do your emotions quickly go up and down?

Cihan Serdaroğlu's poetry book can show you, there is someone feels similar emotions out there.


By reading Liberal Dreams,
You can find joy.
You can find sorrow.
You can find enthusiasm.
You can find hope.
You can find the feeling not belonging anywhere.
You can find something relate to; therefore, you may feel less lonely.
Also, you may feel romance.


The author of The Journal of A Man: Real Notes with Real Dates

Cihan Serdaroğlu, Ph.D. in journalism.


"This book is soul and life." Goodreads review

"It must be read." Goodreads review


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