The Will of God

by Richard Daniels

Publisher: Idaisegun

Product Description:

The question of God's Love and Justice concerning man's fate on earth has been debated among people for a long time. Many people doubt that God is Perfect or has a hand in the affairs of men because they have failed to look at and understand how His power is expressed in the perfect working of Nature. Man's fate is directed and determined through the operation of the Laws of Nature. However, man possesses free will and can choose to act in a noble or debased manner. By doing so, he either helps himself or harms others. He must then bear the consequences of his decisions and actions through the consistent and impartial working of the perfect laws of Nature. These laws can be easily followed, adapted to, and used to bring joy and happiness. Through these experiences, man gains the spiritual maturity he needs to finally find his way back to his source of origin, Paradise his spiritual homeland. It is important to understand that God's Love and Justice are not mutually exclusive but work in harmony to achieve man's spiritual growth. God's Love is manifested in the gift of free will, while His Justice ensures that man bears the consequences of his actions. In conclusion, the question of God's love and justice with man's fate on earth requires a deeper understanding of the workings of nature and the spiritual realm. Through man's proper application or compliance with Nature's laws, he can achieve spiritual growth and find his way back to his spiritual homeland, the eternal Kingdom of God.