Riding into The Sunrise - Recollections of A Bicycle Journey across Russia

by Gregory Yeoman

Product Description:

Spring 1993. 14 months earlier the USSR had collapsed and with Russia accessible once more Gregory Yeoman and his expedition companions set off on their bicycles to ride from the Baltic to the Pacific. Over 153 days they encountered wild landscapes, wild people, crumbling hotels and Siberia's two cheeses on an extraordinary adventure through a nation finding itself after 70 years of Communism.

'Riding into the Sunrise' is the story of the first cycling expedition to cross the new post-Soviet Russia. The book reveals how Gregory Yeoman and his cycling buddies (one Australian and five Russians) coped with the emotional and physical highs and lows of undertaking a ride on this scale. The style is light-hearted and humorous; observations of the history, geography and environments encountered along the way help bring to life the experience of travelling across this fascinating and frustrating country, and the book gives an interesting snapshot of life in Russia at a time of tremendous change.