In Search of Gods


by Rene Vecka

Publisher: RVAELLC

Product Description:

Magic and Mayhem abound as the Norns continue to weave.


Ingefær vod Renku seeks to prove the current mayor of Himmel Drakken killed her mother and father. But events take an odd turn and she's asked to hunt the assassin who killed the mayor. The situation turns deadly as she attempts to pierce the Assassin's Guild.


In Hjulstadt, Rory Belkin chases after Valexi, the thug who hired bandits to kill him and his friends. Days later, he and his companions get roped into arresting Jergen Toggranson, the former head of the Legion. On the journey to Slangeh Buktah, Belkin tries to improve his relationship with his god, and with Safraan. But things never go as planned.


As Vidarr transforms inside his cocoon, trouble brews to a boil in Asken de Gulles—from food rationing, to clan politics, to the return of the Soolv Spyda. Vidarr's life is in danger, and he can't lift a talon to help.


Have the gods abandoned the three heroes?