Back in the Days

by Addena Sumter-Freitag

Publisher: North End Girl Productions

Product Description:

"Wise, winking, woeful and wild, Addena Sumter-Freitag's words lift off the page and sweep you with them into worlds hidden, forgotten, repressed and denied.  She is a black child in a white prairie city, a young woman in the ungentle hands of racism and love, a sage tale-spinner and poet who will challenge and confront you, caress and console you, make you hoot with laughter and clap your hands with joy. She reaches back into her people's history and forward into rebirth—with her eyes always, always, on the prize of this pure moment of absolute alive." - Commodore Press


"Addena Sumter-Freitag bounces between voices and characters with ease like a honeybee going from flower to flower pollinating our minds with the multiple perspectives of her subjects. Each person feels authentic as she takes on the weight and history of her family and provides them with release through these stories and poems. It's a trip into the past well worth taking." - RC Weslowski