The Lens of Faith

by Janne T. Sivula

Publisher: Thinking Man

Product Description:

Does God interact with the world? This book looks at evidence that suggests there is a personal God who is interested in human beings. This is the most widespread view among religious people around the world. In monotheistic religions, God is viewed as a being who has intervened in the world to reveal himself to humanity. He interacts with the universe through miracles or supernatural revelations. God is believed be personally intervene in the lives of believers through, for example, religious experiences and prayers. So, I ask, what evidence there is that God interacts with the universe and intervenes in human affairs, even revealing Himself to us intentionally.

Another question I ask, is: is there a true religion? Many religions consider themselves divine revelations. I ask, how convincing is the evidence?

I consider religions and beliefs about God as a skeptic. This means that I demand solid evidence for extraordinary claims. The claim that ancient people accurately predicted events in the distant future or knew things about the universe that science has only recently discovered is such a claim. Another very common religious belief is that certain divinely ordained people were able to work miracles bending the laws of nature to their will. These beliefs only appear convincing if they are viewed through a lens of faith. See more excerpts from this book at