The 2023 Indie Author Income Survey // EP128
Episode Summary ALLi's Orna Ross joins us to share some amazing data from the first Indie Author Income Survey, giving us insight into the money being made by authors in our industry! [simplecast-embed...
The Art of Pricing: An Author’s Guide to Finding the Ideal Price Point
As a writer and marketer, I am often asked about the "right" ebook pricing strategy. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Every book launch is different (even within the same genre), so it's important to understand the various pricing strategies...
Smashwords Bestsellers of the Week – June 13
We know our authors are busy behind their keyboards, making the most of the Summer. We want you to keep up the amazing storytelling, but our readers have been busy diving into new books at the Smashwords store. That means it's time to take a small break from typing to...
The Book to TV Adventure with Johnny B. Truant // EP127
Episode Summary Johnny B. Truant joins us to talk about the journey of getting a story picked up by a network and adapting his Fat Vampire books into the TV series Reginald the Vampire. [simplecast-embed...
How to Spot Indie Author Publishing Scams (Part 2)
Welcome back! Unfortunately, the list of scams designed to snare self-published authors is so long that we had to make this post a two-parter. (If you missed Part 1, check it out here.) Overpriced services These can be tricky to spot. Services for self-published...
Smashwords Bestsellers of the Week – June 6
We've made it to the summer months! Readers on the Smashwords store are loading their tablets with new ebooks to take with them to the beach and on vacation. If you're one of this week's bestsellers, be sure to thank your readers! This week, we are once again bringing...