To keep up with these Migration Missive updates, please visit our main Migration Updates page.

Again, we spent the last two weeks going through the automatic migrations. We migrated nearly 23,000 accounts and over 79,000 titles in that time.

Automatic migrations have made it up to accounts last logged in prior to August of this year. These leaves about 5,000 accounts left to automatically migrate and we will do those at the beginning of next week.

We have just under 24,000 accounts that we are not yet able to migrate. That’s an improvement of 3,000 accounts since the last update. Working on solutions for these accounts will be our top priority. This will be the most tedious part of the process. Around half of these ineligible accounts are those with accounts at D2D already. This is the group we are creating all the merge tools at D2D for.

If you would like to migrate before we automatically migrate you, please login to your Smashwords Account page or Dashboard and complete the migration survey.

If you don’t see the migration survey, that means we are currently unable to migrate your account. However, if you would like us to investigate why we can’t migrate your account, please reach out to support and we’ll find out for you.

As automatic migrations progress, we are diligently working on clearing out reasons we can’t migrate some accounts.


Since the last update, we have migrated 22,955 accounts and 79,270 books.

Invited – waiting on user: 4,992
Invited – waiting on us: 5
Migration Processing: 63
Successfully Migrated: 98,610
Currently Ineligible to Migrate: 23,853
Total: 127,523

280,467 Books have been migrated.

Current Activity

SW Author Dashboard
We are creating a dashboard at D2D for authors that send titles to the Smashwords Store to easily access features and information that they were accustomed to via the Smashwords interface. These items include Favorites, Subscribers, Reader Reviews, etc.

Merge Tool for Books
Part of ongoing merge tool development, this will provide the ability via Multi-Books Actions for merging one book into another.

Allow Migrations into Existing D2D Accounts
Currently, we are only able to migrate users into brand new D2D accounts. We are working to make it possible to migrate into an existing D2D account when a user’s D2D email address is the same as their Smashwords email address.

Recently Completed Items

Cannot Migrate Books with Unrepairable Issues
We had an issue where we could not migrate books that cause exceptions during our epub check/repair processes even if the book is deleted. Some migrations were unable to proceed because of this issue. This issue is now resolved.

Contributor Profile Name Length
We had an issue where the contributor display name can be 101 characters in length, but the profile name can only be 100 characters. As a result, an exception was raised when contributors display name is a full 101 characters.  This is now resolved.

Users Getting Unable to Generate Link Message
Users that tried to update their expired Smashwords welcome link received a message: “Unable to generate new link”. This is now resolved.

Known Issues

Multiple Users Found on B2R with Same Email Address
An issue which was discovered that allows for two versions of the email that match the migration placeholder email. One that includes _migrating_ and two versions using the actual address. Working on determining cause to prevent it from happening.

– Kris Austin, CEO