To keep up with these Migration Missive updates, please visit our main Migration Updates page.

Over the last two weeks, we continued major progress, migrating over 2,500 accounts per day on average, nearly twice the speed of the prior period. Overall, we are nearly 60% done with the migration.

Automatic migrations have made it up to accounts last logged in back in 2021. Overall, we have just over 26,000 accounts left that we can migrate automatically. We have increased the urgency of our emails and on-screen notifications to encourage people to trigger their migration before we do it automatically. I expect we will be through all currently eligible accounts within the next few of weeks.

We have just under 27,000 accounts that we are not yet able to migrate. Working on solutions for these accounts will be our top priority. This will be the most tedious part of the process. Around half of these ineligible accounts are those with accounts at D2D already. This is the group we are creating all the merge tools at D2D for. As is common in big software projects, this last 20% will take up a lot of our effort.

If you would like to migrate before we automatically migrate you, please login to your Smashwords Account page or Dashboard and complete the migration survey.

If you don’t see the migration survey, that means we are currently unable to migrate your account. However, if you would like us to investigate why we can’t migrate your account, please reach out to support and we’ll find out for you.

As automatic migrations progress, we are diligently working on clearing out reasons we can’t migrate some accounts.


Since the last update, we have migrated 36,051 accounts and 76,990 books.

Invited – waiting on user: 26,744
Invited – waiting on us: 9
Migration Processing: 49
Successfully Migrated: 75,655
Currently Ineligible to Migrate: 26,935
Total: 129,392

201,197 Books have been migrated.

Current Activity

Merge Tool for Books
Part of ongoing merge tool development, this will provide the ability via Multi-Books Actions for merging one book into another.

Allow Migrations into Existing D2D Accounts
Currently, we are only able to migrate users into brand new D2D accounts. We are working to make it possible to migrate into an existing D2D account when a user’s D2D email address is the same as their Smashwords email address.

Recently Completed Items

Books Slipped Through with both YA/JUV Categories
D2D does not allow book to have both Young Adult and Juvenile categories attached. An issue arose where some slipped through as JUV is assigned as a primary and YA is secondary. This has been resolved.

Adjust Email Language to Reflect Current Migration Phase
It was brought to our attention that for some who receive a migration welcome email it references a process that is no longer active anymore. This phrase was regarding conveying thanks for filing out the migration questionnaire. Which for many did not occur. To avoid confusion, we struck that sentence out from the email to match current behavior.

Allow Unpublished Books to be Missing Cover Image
Previously, if a book was missing a cover image, the migration raised an error even if the book was unpublished. We adjusted to allow unpublished books to have no cover image. This also matches how we handle missing manuscripts.

Known Issues

Cannot Migrate Books with Unrepairable Issues
Currently we cannot migrate books that cause exceptions during our epub check/repair processes even if the book is deleted. Some migrations are currently not proceeding because of this issue.

– Kris Austin, CEO