To keep up with these updates, please visit our main Migration Updates page.

Over the last two weeks, we’ve continued to make progress on automatic migrations. We are up to accounts that have not been active since 2014.

If you would like to migrate before we automatically migrate you, please login to your Smashwords Account page or Dashboard and complete the migration survey.

If you don’t see the migration survey, that means we are currently unable to migrate your account. However, if you would like us to investigate why we can’t migrate your account, please reach out to support and we’ll find out for you.

While we move forward with automatic migrations, we are working hard on what comes after. At this time, if we were to be done with automatic migrations, there would still be 33,558 accounts we couldn’t migrate. That’s over 25% of all the accounts we started with. Obviously, that’s not a situation we want to be in.

There are many reasons that accounts can be ineligible to migrate. I count roughly 27 possible exclusions. Some more complicated than others. Some affecting more books than others. Over the last two weeks, we were able to remove exclusions from 3,165 accounts.

Roughly 20,000 accounts are excluded because they already have accounts at D2D. We have been creating tools at D2D that will allow authors to merge accounts and books. Once these tools are complete, we can then migrate these accounts to D2D. Authors will then be able to use these self-service tools to merge any duplicate data.

We have released merge tools for Series, Publisher, Contributor Name, and Contributor Profiles. The last two tools needed are Book Merge Tool and Account Merge Tool.


Since the last update, we have migrated 4,867 accounts and 8,112 books.

Invited – waiting on user: 71,509
Invited – waiting on us: 35
Migration Processing: 29
Successfully Migrated: 26,063
Currently Ineligible to Migrate: 33,558
Total: 131,194

96,956 Books have been migrated.

Current Activity

Merge Tool for Books
Part of ongoing merge tool development, this will provide the ability via Multi-Books Actions for merging one book into another.

Allow Migrations Into Existing D2D Accounts
Currently, we are only able to migration users into brand new D2D accounts. This ticket is to make it possible to migrate into an existing D2D account when a user’s D2D email address is the same as their Smashwords email address.

Recently Completed Items

Logged in users who click activation link go to logged in account
When a migrated user had more than one D2D account and they clicked on an account activation link, the user was taken to an already logged in D2D account. This caused the activation link to fail, creating a confusing situation for the user. We now log the user out if the user is already logged into an account that does not match the account in the activation link, so the user gets the correct page.

Prevent Users From Creating D2D Account During Migration
Updated the D2D registration page to check against migrations to make sure that users cannot create an account with their email address during migration.

Known Issues

No known issues at this time.

– Kris Austin, CEO