To keep up with these updates, please visit our main Migration Updates page.

Migrations continued over the last week. There was a short pause while we worked on an issue related to library pricing on migrated books. The issue caused some titles to have their library prices set to 99 cents. We have resolved this issue and we will be fixing all affected titles by the end of this week.

We only have nine accounts left to actively migrate. Actively migrate means those that have requested we migrate them and they are eligible to be migrated.

Automatic migrations will begin next week. We will automatically migrate accounts that haven’t been accessed the longest first.


Since the last update, we have migrated 2,302 accounts and 11,870 books.

Invited – waiting on user: 81,176
Invited – waiting on us: 9
Migration Processing: 22
Successfully Migrated: 13,151
Currently Ineligible to Migrate: 36,600
Total: 130,958

74,811 Books have been migrated.

Current Activity

Merge Tool for Contributors
Contributors will be next up in the merge tools process. On the Smashwords side, each merged contributor’s favorites and subscribers will be moved to the new publisher. Provide a tool in Multi-Book Actions for merging one contributor into another.

SW Sale Event Communication Update
Update to SW Sale Event page to include migrated users and considerations they may have regarding their status and enrollment in upcoming store sale event.

Recently Completed Items

Merge Tool for Publishers
We released the Publisher Merge Tool which is available under Multi-Book Actions at D2D for merging one publisher into another. On the Smashwords side, each merged publisher’s favorites and subscribers will be moved to the new publisher.

Migrated books library price set to 99 cents
An issue was discovered where migrated books that did not have a library price chosen at Smashwords had their library price set to 99 cents. This issue was fixed to set the correct library price when a book is migrated.

Known Issues

Fix books with incorrect library pricing
An issue was discovered where migrated books that did not have a library price chosen at Smashwords had their library price set to 99 cents. Although the issue no longer occurs, there are some books that need fixed on the D2D side. We are creating a tool to identify affected titles and fixing their pricing. If necessary, we will send an updated price to library partners that may have been improperly sent the 99 price.

Retrieve Apple tickets for migrated books
After a book is migrated, if a ticket is opened by Apple, the D2D system is unaware. This causes a delay in us communicating these issues to the authors. Expanding the existing system that retrieves these tickets to include migrated books. This does not affect books that are currently live at Apple.

– Kris Austin, CEO