To keep up with these Migration Missive updates, please visit our main Migration Updates page.

It’s been six weeks since the last update and we are now more than 80% complete.

Unfortunately, as is often the case with big projects that last 20% can take a long while. However, trust that we have been hard at work to migrate the final 21,206 accounts.

The largest piece of that 21,206 accounts is those that have accounts at both Smashwords and Draft2Digital or who have multiple accounts at Smashwords.

The current plan will be to migrate accounts, including all books, directly into a Draft2Digital account with the same email address. So if you use different email addresses for accounts at SW and D2D, then you’ll end up with two accounts at Draft2Digital. If you use the same email address at SW and D2D, then you’ll have all your books added to the D2D account.

We expect that most authors will prefer to have only one account at D2D when the entire migration process is over. They would also prefer not to have the same book twice in their D2D accounts. To solve both of those issues, we have been creating self-serve merge tools that will let you merge various parts of your account. And, eventually, even be able to move one account into another.

This is complex and we want to make sure it is done correctly. Because of this, we are being careful and thoughtful about how we do it.

If you would like to migrate before we automatically migrate you, please login to your Smashwords Account page or Dashboard and complete the migration survey.

If you don’t see the migration survey, that means we are currently unable to migrate your account. However, if you would like us to investigate why we can’t migrate your account, please reach out to support and we’ll find out for you.

As automatic migrations progress, we are diligently working on clearing out reasons we can’t migrate some accounts.


Since the last update, we have migrated 2,914 accounts and 25,414 books.

Invited – waiting on user: 3,686
Invited – waiting on us: 71
Migration Processing: 101
Successfully Migrated: 101,524
Currently Ineligible to Migrate: 21,206
Total: 126,588

305,881 Books have been migrated.

Current Activity

SW Author Dashboard
We are creating a dashboard at D2D for authors that send titles to the Smashwords Store to easily access features and information that they were accustomed to via the Smashwords interface. These items include Favorites, Subscribers, Reader Reviews, etc.

Merge Tool for Books
Part of ongoing merge tool development, this will provide the ability via Multi-Books Actions for merging one book into another.

Adopt Title Specific Rules for D2D Authors on SW Sale Events
For Smashwords store sales events, it is currently only possible to enroll all of your D2D titles or none of them. We are working to expand this feature so that you can choose to opt-in individual titles.

Allow Migrations into Existing D2D Accounts
Currently, we are only able to migrate users into brand new D2D accounts. We are working to make it possible to migrate into an existing D2D account when a user’s D2D email address is the same as their Smashwords email address.

Daily Sales Emails for SW
In conjunction with efforts to bring over SW author features listed as part of the author dashboard, we are also working towards incorporating daily sales emails for authors with books at SW as they had been accustomed to previously.

Recently Completed Items

Multiple Users Found on B2R with Same Email Address
An issue which was discovered that allowed for two versions of the email that match the migration placeholder email. One that includes _migrating_ and two versions using the actual address. Pushed fix to prevent it from happening.

Handling Books at SW with Bad ISBNs
A number of books at Smashwords had bad or invalid ISBNs that needed to be addressed. We now accept these ISBNs but if they don’t validate we’ll put the “ISBN” value on the book distributor stock numbers and not within the value of the ISBN field.

Preventing Migrated Users From Syncing to Email Client
Resolved an issue that was causing some problems when a migrated user is synced to our email client. There were some downstream effects that we didn’t want to occur. Determined that best course of action would be to create a new function that checks if user is a migrating user and is in a state that should prevent updates to email client.

Incorrect Tax Rates on Users
We detected that some migrated users ended up with incorrect tax rate after migration was concluded. We remedied those affected and set up protocols to ensure that when those records are updated the correct percentage gets downloaded from our tax partner. We refunded the improperly withheld taxes and they will be paid out on the next payment cycle.

Dealing with Duplicate ISBNs from SW
We now allow ISBNs coming from the SW system into the D2D system even if the D2D system already has the same ISBN.

Known Issues

Migrations with Large Number of Books
We are aware of some issues related to large catalogs of books for some users (1k or more) that is causing some issues during migration processes. We are actively working towards a resolution to allow these to flow smoothly.

– Kris Austin, CEO