We love it when we can fulfill an enhancement request for our authors. That’s why we’re delighted to announce that, effective immediately, you now have multiple shipping options when ordering a physical proof of your D2D Print paperback. You’ll see options that are significantly less expensive than our previous expedited service, but if you still need a physical proof right away, there are options for that too. Digital proofs, of course, are free.
If you haven’t yet created a physical version of your book, a proof copy is meant as a preliminary version of your print book so you can give it a good, close look before you publish it. An author copy, on the other hand, is your finished book that you can order for promotional purposes. When you order a proof copy or an author copy from D2D Print, the process works in much the same way. You only pay for the manufacturing (at cost) plus the price of the shipping option you choose. You can only order one proof copy at a time, but the number of author copies you can order is unlimited. And in case you’re wondering, there are no annoying watermarks on D2D Print proofs.
“I’ve sold a ton of ebooks. Why should I bother with print?”
The short answer is that a majority of readers still prefer physical books over digital ones. Don’t take our word for it. As you may have read from a previous D2D communication, according to a 2022 Pew Research report that examined the reading habits of Americans:
- Of the 75% of respondents who read at least one book in the prior year, just 13.8% said they read only digital books (ebooks and audio).
- Three times as many (49%) read only print books. An additional 37.2% read both print and digital.
- Digital-only publishers may be missing out on 86% of the potential readership for their books.
“Okay, I get it. But why D2D Print?”
The easiest interface. The best author support team in the business. The coolest features.
- Convert your ebook to print with just a few clicks (or start with a print book)
- Turn your ebook cover into a wraparound print cover in seconds
- Dozens of beautiful & professional interior layouts
- Worldwide distribution
- Order author copies in 32+ countries
- Zero setup fees or recurring fees
- Free ISBNs
- A free change for your print book every 90 days
- A Price Calculator to help you select a retail price for your book and estimate your royalty
If you have questions, D2D’s celebrated, industry-beloved, legendary author support team is here to help you.
Drop them a line at support@draft2digital.com.
Happy Publishing,
The Draft2Digital Team