by Sarah Kuiken | Oct 13, 2021 | Author Essentials, Author How-To & Mindset, Books2Read Promotions
BookBub is a discovery platform for readers and a marketing platform for writers. It’s where readers go to discover new writers, and where writers can market their books to readers of their genre. Before we dive into how to use BookBub Featured Deals for marketing...
by Sarah Kuiken | Oct 5, 2021 | Author How-To & Mindset
If you think library distribution is out of reach for self-published authors, think again. Library distribution is one of the most exciting (and relatively new) avenues for indie authors to get their books into the hands of readers worldwide. As far back as 2016, 92%...
by Sarah Kuiken | Sep 28, 2021 | Author How-To & Mindset
We know there are a fair few writing purists out there, so we’ll lead with a disclaimer on writing tools. Writers have completed their work by hand for thousands of years—with chisels and stone tablets, quills and parchment, or pens and Moleskine notebooks. (We don’t...
by Sarah Kuiken | Sep 9, 2021 | D2D Print, Features & Walk-Thrus, Knowledge Base
When we ask our authors to share their most burning questions, we get a lot of questions about D2D Print. They want to know why it’s still in beta, when it will become an “official” D2D service, and what sets D2D Print apart from other print-on-demand services like...
by Sarah Kuiken | Aug 30, 2021 | Uncategorized
Stop me if this sounds familiar. You wake up one day and realize that, although you still think of yourself as a writer, you aren’t actually doing much writing to speak of. Sure, you might get in a groove for a few days or even weeks. But ultimately, life gets...